2008 Price List
"ITM" Islamic Tourism magazine & “ITW" www.islamictourism.com (One package):
- Benefits of AdvertisingAll adverts on ITM will be printed in four bi-lingual formats of Arabic/English, Arabic/French, Arabic/Spanish and Arabic/German.
- All adverts on ITM can also place a banner of size 166 x 90 pixels for four weeks on ITW, which will then be linked to the desired website.
- In addition, we will also publish two news articles on ITW Weekly Newsletter in Arabic and/or English (provided and translated by advertiser), which will then be mailed to 100,000 subscribers in Travel and Tourism Industry around the world.
- All news, articles and adverts published on Magazine and website will be archived in the Country Profiles page on ITW.
One quarter page in colour printed in all 4 versions of ITM + a banner (166x90 pixels) for four weeks and two news article (Arabic and/or English) on ITW |
€750.00 |
One third page in colour printed in all 4 versions of ITM + a banner (166x90 pixels) for four weeks and two news article (Arabic and/or English) on ITW |
€900.00 |
Half page in colour printed in all 4 versions of ITM + a banner (166x90 pixels) for four weeks and two news article (Arabic and/or English) on ITW |
€1300.00 |
Full page in colour printed in all 4 versions of ITM + a banner (166x90 pixels) for four weeks and two news article (Arabic and/or English) on ITW |
€2350.00 |
Inside Front or Back Cover in colour printed in all 4 versions of ITM + a banner (166x90 pixels) for four weeks and two news article (Arabic and/or English) on ITW |
€4000.00 |
Editorial article with photos and translated in all 4 versions on ITM only |
€600.00 per page |
Cover story with photos and translated in all 4 versions of ITM with appropriate number of editorial pages + a banner (166x90 pixels) for four weeks and two news article (Arabic and/or English) on ITW |
€10,000.00 |
All news articles that are required to be published in French, Spanish and German, an additional translation fee will be added, except stated otherwise.
Regenal Marketing Manager
Ms. Jade Huang (London Office)
Tel: +44 (01932) 2260705
Mob: +44 (0)7704336757
Email: jade@tcph.org
Mr. Armin Gemmer (Germany Office)
Tel: +49 61312171118
Mob: +49 15229772801
Email: gemmer@tcph.org
Mr. Motaz Othman (Jordan Office)
Tel: +962 6 4618615
Mob: +962 795542906
Email: itmamman@tcph.org
Mr. Mounir EL-Fishawy.
(Cairo Office)
Tel: +202 23959000
Mob: +2012 3133236
Email: itmcairo@tcph.org
Mr. Najib Khalifa
(Casablanca Office)
Tel: +212 22 299087
Mob: +212 78 914138
Email: itmcasablanca@tcph.org
Mr. Khalid Al-Dhababi
(Yemen Office)
Mobile: +96 73408278
Email: itmtaz@tcph.org
Mr. Walid Abdul-Amir Alwan
(Baghdad Office)
Mobile: +964 790 1831726
Email: itmbaghdad@tcph.org
If you wish to advertise via mail please download and print the advertising order confirmation form and send it to:
Islamic Tourism
Unit 2C
289 Cricklewood Broadway
London, NW2 6NX
United Kingdom
Download Advertising Order Confirmation Form |
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