A Britain of Lakes, Lochs, Loughs And Tarns
As I travel through Britain on many a hike or climb it can be very hard to not come across a body of water in some shape or form. Why even a National Park, the Lake District is named from bodies of wa (12/11/2012)
Tourism Ministers to debate barriers to travel
Reducing visa constraints, simplifying entry processes and developing policies that improve connectivity across borders are the topics on the agenda for the worlds Tourism Ministers as they meet (31/10/2012)
Live like James Bond
To celebrate the release of Skyfall we explore Bond’s Britain. The UK is the home of James Bond and his creator, Ian Fleming, so where better to live like the world-famous spy?
There's more to London than sport, says Boris Becker
Tennis legend Boris Becker urges Games spectators to make the most of their visit to London, regretting the many times that he played tennis over the years without ever getting chance to properly expl (12/08/2012)
Sports tours and museums in London
Football, cricket, rugby, golf: name a sport and there\'s a good chance we Brits invented it, wrote the rules or are just plain obsessed by it. And if playing or watching your favourites isn\'t enough (09/07/2012)
Shakespeare: staging the world
During the summer of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games the British Museum is presenting a major exhibition on the world and works of William Shakespeare, supported by BP
Coasteering and Cliff-diving in Wales
I am coasteering along the Pembrokeshire coastline of West Wales, getting a taste of the country’s wild side. Along with my group of travel partners, our wits and courage are put to the test.
Hajj: Journey to the heart of Islam
The final exhibition in the British Museum’s series on spiritual journeys. This is the first ever major exhibition dedicated to the Hajj; the pilgrimage to Mecca which is central to the Muslim (17/02/2012)